12-20 17:19:45 浏览次数:362次 栏目:读后感
Setting:Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic. Main Characters:Harry Potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to Hogwarts. Ron Weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to Hogwarts. Hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to Hogwarts. Quirrell is Hogwarts’s teacher,Voldemort’s helper. Voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world. Climax:Harry never thought Quirrell was helping Voldemort. Quirrel cought Harry and let him to get the Philospher’s stone, but when Harry got it, he didn’t give it to Quirrell, and Voldemort came out,from the back of Quirrell’s head!And Voldemort orderd Quirrell to catch Harry and get the stone, but when Quirrell touched Harry, his body dissolved,and then he died. Conclusion:Harry defeated Voldemort, and the year has finished,it’s time for the school cup,Gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win! First is for Ron, because he play the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.Second is for Her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points.Third is for Harry, who defeated Voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!Last, for Neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and Gryffindor won!,英文版:哈里波特读后感作文300字
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