伤感的英文句子 可能早已经受伤了

伤感的英文句子 可能早已经受伤了

06-26 14:23:04  浏览次数:244次  栏目:伤感的句子
标签:伤感爱情句子,优美伤感的句子, 伤感的英文句子 可能早已经受伤了,http://www.nx899.com

Always put yourself in others shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably does hurt the person, too.要常常设身处地为别人着想。当你觉得这样会使自己受到伤害,对方可能早已经受伤了。

And to the whole day through每一分每一秒直到一天结束。

at the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

Become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone nes and hoping that person knows who you are.做一个更好的人,确信在遇见一个新的人之前知道自己是谁,也希望那个人知道你是谁。

distance makes the hearts grow fonder.距离使两颗心靠得更近。

don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste theirtime on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。好听的句子.
www.nx899.com how should i greet, with tears, with silence. 我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默

i can stay to recall, only then has disconsolate 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然

if i could only be with you in my dreams ,baby, well ... i would want to sleep forever. 如果只有在梦里才能和你在一起,那么,宝贝,我宁愿长睡不起。

if i had a single flower for every time i think about you, i could walk forever in my garden.假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

if i should see you,after long year.how should i greet, with tears, with silence.若我会见到你,事隔多年。我如何贺你,以眼泪,以沉默。

Sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。

There are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. Hope you dream of that someone.人总有思念别人的时候,你渴望他在你梦境里出现,与你实实在在的拥抱!希望你能梦见这个人。

There will always be people who’ll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。


,伤感的英文句子 可能早已经受伤了
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